Monday, March 23, 2009

What does God require of you?

How to Use This Brochure
This brochure is designed as a Bible study course. How is it to be used? We suggest the following program: At the beginning of each lesson, there are questions. In parentheses after each question, you will find the numbers of the paragraphs in which the answers are found. Read the questions through first. Think about them. Then read each paragraph, and look up the scriptures in your Bible. When you have finished a lesson, go back to the questions and try to recall the Bible’s answer to each question. When you have finished the whole brochure, go back and review all the questions.
Lesson 1
How You Can Find Out What God Requires
What important information is contained in the Bible? (1)
Who is the Bible’s author? (2)
Why should you study the Bible? (3)
1. The Bible is a precious gift from God. It is like a letter from a loving father to his children. It tells us the truth about God-who he is and what he stands for. It explains how to cope with problems and how to find true happiness. The Bible alone tells us what we must do to please God.-Psalm 1:1-3; Isaiah 48:17, 18.
2. The Bible was written by some 40 different men over a period of 1,600 years, beginning in 1513 B.C.E. It is made up of 66 little books. Those who wrote the Bible were inspired by God. They wrote his thoughts, not their own. So God in heaven, not any human on earth, is the Author of the Bible.-2 Timothy 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 1:20, 21.
3. God made sure that the Bible was accurately copied and preserved. More Bibles have been printed than any other book. Not everyone will be happy to see you studying the Bible, but do not let that stop you. Your eternal future depends on your getting to know God and doing his will despite any opposition.-Matthew 5:10-12; John 17:3.
Lesson 2
Who Is God?
Who is the true God, and what is his name? (1, 2)
What sort of body does he have? (3)
What are his outstanding qualities? (4)
Should we use images and symbols in our worship of him? (5)
What are two ways we can learn about God? (6)
1. People worship many things. But the Bible tells us that there is only one TRUE God. He created everything in heaven and on earth. Because he gave us life, he is the only One we should worship.-1 Corinthians 8:5, 6; Revelation 4:11.
2. God has many titles but has only one name. That name is JEHOVAH. In most Bibles, God’s name has been removed and has been replaced with the titles LORD or GOD. But when the Bible was written, the name Jehovah appeared in it some 7,000 times!-Exodus 3:15; Psalm 83:18.
3. Jehovah has a body, but it is not like ours. "God is a Spirit," says the Bible. (John 4:24) A spirit is a form of life that is much higher than ours. No human has ever seen God. Jehovah lives in heaven, but he can see all things. (Psalm 11:4, 5; John 1:18) What, though, is the holy spirit? It is not a person like God. Rather, it is God’s active force.-Psalm 104:30.
4. The Bible reveals Jehovah’s personality to us. It shows that his outstanding qualities are love, justice, wisdom, and power. (Deuteronomy 32:4; Job 12:13; Isaiah 40:26; 1 John 4:8) The Bible tells us that he is also merciful, kind, forgiving, generous, and patient. We, like obedient children, should try to imitate him.-Ephesians 5:1, 2.
5. Should we bow down or pray to images, pictures, or symbols in our worship? No! (Exodus 20:4, 5) Jehovah says that we must worship only him. He will not share his glory with anyone or anything else. Images have no power to help us.-Psalm 115:4-8; Isaiah 42:8.
6. How can we get to know God better? One way is by observing the things he has created and thinking deeply about what they tell us. God’s creations show us that he has great power and wisdom. We see his love in all that he has made. (Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:20) Another way we can learn about God is by studying the Bible. In it he tells us much more about the kind of God he is. He also tells us about his purpose and what he wants us to do.-Amos 3:7; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.
[Pictures on page 5]
We learn about God from creation and from the Bible
Lesson 3
Who Is Jesus Christ?
Why is Jesus called God’s "firstborn" Son? (1)
Why is he called "the Word"? (1)
Why did Jesus come to earth as a man? (2-4)
Why did he perform miracles? (5)
What will Jesus do in the near future? (6)
1. Jesus lived in heaven as a spirit person before he came to earth. He was God’s first creation, and so he is called the "firstborn" Son of God. (Colossians 1:15; Revelation 3:14) Jesus is the only Son that God created by himself. Jehovah used the prehuman Jesus as his "master worker" in creating all other things in heaven and on earth. (Proverbs 8:22-31; Colossians 1:16, 17) God also used him as His chief spokesman. That is why Jesus is called "the Word."-John 1:1-3; Revelation 19:13.
2. God sent His Son to the earth by transferring his life to the womb of Mary. So Jesus did not have a human father. That is why he did not inherit any sin or imperfection. God sent Jesus to earth for three reasons: (1) To teach us the truth about God (John 18:37), (2) to maintain perfect integrity, providing a model for us to follow (1 Peter 2:21), and (3) to sacrifice his life to set us free from sin and death. Why was this needed?-Matthew 20:28.
3. By disobeying God’s command, the first man, Adam, committed what the Bible calls "sin." So God sentenced him to death. (Genesis 3:17-19) He no longer measured up to God’s standards, so he was not perfect anymore. Slowly he grew old and died. Adam passed on sin to all his children. That is why we also grow old, get sick, and die. How could mankind be saved?-Romans 3:23; 5:12.
4. Jesus was a perfect human just like Adam. Unlike Adam, though, Jesus was perfectly obedient to God under even the greatest test. He could therefore sacrifice his perfect human life to pay for Adam’s sin. This is what the Bible refers to as the "ransom." Adam’s children could thus be released from condemnation to death. All who put their faith in Jesus can have their sins forgiven and receive everlasting life.-1 Timothy 2:5, 6; John 3:16; Romans 5:18, 19.
5. When on earth Jesus cured the sick, fed the hungry, and calmed storms. He even raised the dead. Why did he perform miracles? (1) He felt pity for people who were suffering, and he wanted to help them. (2) His miracles proved that he was God’s Son. (3) They showed what he will do for obedient mankind when he rules as King over the earth.-Matthew 14:14; Mark 2:10-12; John 5:28, 29.
6. Jesus died and was resurrected by God as a spirit creature, and he returned to heaven. (1 Peter 3:18) Since then, God has made him a King. Soon Jesus will remove all wickedness and suffering from this earth.-Psalm 37:9-11; Proverbs 2:21, 22.
[Pictures on page 7]
Jesus’ ministry included teaching, performing miracles, and even offering up his life for us
Lesson 4
Who Is the Devil?
Satan the Devil-where did he come from? (1, 2)
How does Satan mislead people? (3-7)
Why should you resist the Devil? (7)
1. The word "devil" means someone who tells wicked lies about another person. "Satan" means an enemy or an opposer. These are terms given to God’s chief enemy. At first, he was a perfect angel in heaven with God. However, he later thought too much of himself and wanted the worship that rightly belongs to God.-Matthew 4:8-10.
2. This angel, Satan, spoke to Eve by means of a snake. By telling her lies, he got her to disobey God. Satan thus attacked what is called God’s "sovereignty," or position as the Most High. Satan questioned whether God rules in a worthy way and in the best interests of His subjects. Satan also brought into question whether any human would remain loyal to God. By doing this, Satan made himself God’s enemy. That is why he came to be called Satan the Devil.-Genesis 3:1-5; Job 1:8-11; Revelation 12:9.
3. Satan tries to trick people into worshiping him. (2 Corinthians 11:3, 14) One way he misleads people is through false religion. If a religion teaches lies about God, it really serves the purpose of Satan. (John 8:44) People who are members of false religions may sincerely believe that they are worshiping the true God. But they are really serving Satan. He is ‘the god of this world.’-2 Corinthians 4:4.
4. Spiritism is another way Satan brings people under his power. They may call upon spirits to protect them, to harm others, to foretell the future, or to perform miracles. Satan is the wicked force behind all these practices. To please God, we must have nothing to do with spiritism.-Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Acts 19:18, 19.
5. Satan also misleads people through extreme pride of race and the worship of political organizations. Some feel that their nation or race is better than others. But this is not true. (Acts 10:34, 35) Other people look to political organizations to solve man’s problems. By doing this, they are rejecting God’s Kingdom. It is the only solution for our problems.-Daniel 2:44.
6. Another way Satan misleads people is by tempting them with sinful desires. Jehovah tells us to avoid sinful practices because he knows they will harm us. (Galatians 6:7, 8) Some people may want you to join them in such practices. Remember, though, it is really Satan who wants you to do these things.-1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; 15:33.
7. Satan may use persecution or opposition to get you to leave Jehovah. Some of your loved ones may become very angry because you are studying the Bible. Others may make fun of you. But to whom do you owe your life? Satan wants to frighten you so that you will stop learning about Jehovah. Do not let Satan win! (Matthew 10:34-39; 1 Peter 5:8, 9) By resisting the Devil, you can make Jehovah happy and show that you uphold His sovereignty.-Proverbs 27:11.
[Pictures on page 9]
False religion, spiritism, and nationalism mislead people
[Picture on page 9]
Resist Satan by continuing to learn about Jehovah
Lesson 5
What Is God’s Purpose for the Earth?
Why did Jehovah create the earth? (1, 2)
Why is the earth not a paradise now? (3)
What will happen to wicked people? (4)
In the future, what will Jesus do for the sick? the elderly? the dead? (5, 6)
To share in the future blessings, what do you need to do? (7)
1. Jehovah created this earth so that humans could enjoy living on it forever. He wanted the earth always to be inhabited by righteous, happy people. (Psalm 115:16; Isaiah 45:18) The earth will never be destroyed; it will last forever.-Psalm 104:5; Ecclesiastes 1:4.
2. Before God made man, He chose one small part of the earth and made it into a beautiful paradise. He called it the garden of Eden. It was here that he put the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. God purposed for them to have children and fill the whole earth. Gradually they would have made the entire earth into a paradise.-Genesis 1:28; 2:8, 15.
3. Adam and Eve sinned by deliberately breaking God’s law. So Jehovah put them out of the garden of Eden. Paradise was lost. (Genesis 3:1-6, 23) But Jehovah has not forgotten his purpose for this earth. He promises to make it into a paradise, where humans will live forever. How will he do this?-Psalm 37:29.
4. Before this earth can become a paradise, wicked people must be removed. (Psalm 37:38) This will happen at Armageddon, which is God’s war to end wickedness. Next, Satan will be imprisoned for 1,000 years. This means that no wicked ones will be left to spoil the earth. Only God’s people will survive.-Revelation 16:14, 16; 20:1-3.
5. Then Jesus Christ will rule as King over this earth for 1,000 years. (Revelation 20:6) He will gradually take sin away from our minds and bodies. We will become perfect humans just as Adam and Eve were before they sinned. Then there will be no more sickness, old age, and death. Sick people will be cured, and old persons will become young again.-Job 33:25; Isaiah 33:24; Revelation 21:3, 4.
6. During Jesus’ Thousand Year Reign, faithful humans will work to turn the whole earth into a paradise. (Luke 23:43) Also, millions of dead ones will be resurrected to human life on the earth. (Acts 24:15) If they do what God requires of them, they will continue to live on earth forever. If not, they will be destroyed forever.-John 5:28, 29; Revelation 20:11-15.
7. God’s original purpose for the earth will thus succeed. Would you like to share in these future blessings? If so, you need to keep learning about Jehovah and obeying his requirements. Attending meetings at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses will help you to do so.-Isaiah 11:9; Hebrews 10:24, 25.
[Picture on page 10]
Paradise lost
[Pictures on page 11]
After Armageddon, earth will be made into a paradise
Lesson 6
What Is the Kingdom of God?
Where is the Kingdom of God located? (1)
Who is its King? (2)
Do others share in ruling with the King? If so, how many? (3)
What shows that we are living in the last days? (4)
What will God’s Kingdom do for mankind in the future? (5-7)
1. When he was on earth, Jesus taught his followers to pray for God’s Kingdom. A kingdom is a government that is headed by a king. God’s Kingdom is a special government. It is set up in heaven and will rule over this earth. It will sanctify, or make holy, God’s name. It will cause God’s will to be done on earth as it is done in heaven.-Matthew 6:9, 10.
2. God promised that Jesus would become the King of His Kingdom. (Luke 1:30-33) When Jesus was on earth, he proved that he would be a kind, just, and perfect Ruler. When he returned to heaven, he was not enthroned as King of God’s Kingdom right away. (Hebrews 10:12, 13) In 1914, Jehovah gave Jesus the authority He had promised him. Since then, Jesus has ruled in heaven as Jehovah’s appointed King.-Daniel 7:13, 14.
3. Jehovah has also selected some faithful men and women from the earth to go to heaven. They will rule with Jesus as kings, judges, and priests over mankind. (Luke 22:28-30; Revelation 5:9, 10) Jesus called these corulers in his Kingdom a "little flock." They number 144,000.-Luke 12:32; Revelation 14:1-3.
4. As soon as Jesus became King, he threw Satan and his wicked angels out of heaven and down to the locality of the earth. That is why things have become so bad here on earth since 1914. (Revelation 12:9, 12) Wars, famines, pestilences, increasing lawlessness-all these are part of a "sign" indicating that Jesus is ruling and that this system is in its last days.-Matthew 24:3, 7, 8, 12; Luke 21:10, 11; 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
5. Soon Jesus will judge people, separating them as a shepherd separates sheep from goats. The "sheep" are those who will have proved themselves his loyal subjects. They will receive everlasting life on earth. The "goats" are those who will have rejected God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 25:31-34, 46) In the near future, Jesus will destroy all goatlike ones. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) If you want to be one of Jesus’ "sheep," you must listen to the Kingdom message and act on what you learn.-Matthew 24:14.
6. Now the earth is divided up into many countries. Each has its own government. These nations often fight one another. But God’s Kingdom will replace all human governments. It will rule as the only government over the entire earth. (Daniel 2:44) Then there will be no more war, crime, and violence. All people will live together in peace and unity.-Micah 4:3, 4.
7. During Jesus’ Thousand Year Reign, faithful humans will become perfect, and the whole earth will become a paradise. By the end of the thousand years, Jesus will have done everything God asked him to do. Then he will hand the Kingdom back to his Father. (1 Corinthians 15:24) Why not tell your friends and loved ones about what God’s Kingdom will do?
[Picture on page 13]
Under Jesus’ rule, there will be no more hatred or prejudice
Lesson 7
Drawing Close to God in Prayer
Why is it important to pray regularly? (1)
To whom should we pray, and how? (2, 3)
What are proper subjects for prayer? (4)
When should you pray? (5, 6)
Does God listen to all prayers? (7)
1. Prayer is humbly speaking to God. You should pray to God regularly. Thus you can feel close to him as to a dear friend. Jehovah is so great and powerful, yet he listens to our prayers! Do you pray to God regularly?-Psalm 65:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
2. Prayer is part of our worship. Thus, we should pray only to God, Jehovah. When Jesus was on earth, he always prayed to his Father, not to anyone else. We should do the same. (Matthew 4:10; 6:9) However, all our prayers should be said in the name of Jesus. This shows that we respect Jesus’ position and that we have faith in his ransom sacrifice.-John 14:6; 1 John 2:1, 2.
3. When we pray we should speak to God from our heart. We should not say our prayers from memory or read them from a prayer book. (Matthew 6:7, 8) We can pray in any respectful position, at any time, and at any place. God can hear even silent prayers said in our heart. (1 Samuel 1:12, 13) It is good to find a quiet place away from other people to say our personal prayers.-Mark 1:35.
4. What subjects can you pray about? Anything that might affect your friendship with him. (Philippians 4:6, 7) The model prayer shows that we should pray about Jehovah’s name and purpose. We can also ask for our material needs to be provided, for our sins to be forgiven, and for help to resist temptation. (Matthew 6:9-13) Our prayers should not be selfish. We should only pray for things that harmonize with God’s will.-1 John 5:14.
5. You may pray whenever your heart moves you to thank or praise God. (1 Chronicles 29:10-13) You should pray when you have problems and your faith is being tested. (Psalm 55:22; 120:1) It is appropriate to pray before you eat your meals. (Matthew 14:19) Jehovah invites us to pray "on every occasion."-Ephesians 6:18.
6. We especially need to pray if we have committed a serious sin. At such times we should beg for Jehovah’s mercy and forgiveness. If we confess our sins to him and do our very best not to repeat them, God is "ready to forgive."-Psalm 86:5; Proverbs 28:13.
7. Jehovah listens only to the prayers of righteous people. For your prayers to be heard by God, you must be trying your best to live by his laws. (Proverbs 15:29; 28:9) You must be humble when you pray. (Luke 18:9-14) You need to work at what you pray for. You will thus prove that you have faith and that you really mean what you say. Only then will Jehovah answer your prayers.-Hebrews 11:6.

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